From Highschool to College: Preparing your Child to Make Right Choices

A child's journey from highschool to college is a major transition in his/her life. This transitional phase is epochal in a child's academic as well as personal growth. Till highschool, a child is exposed to a constrained world--less complex and posing fewer challenges. But the child is exposed to a more complex world in the college life. And so, it is essential to prepare your child to face this complex world outside the confinements of the house and the highschool.

The first step in preparing the child is to help him/her explore the academic interest. A child, especially a teenager, is very vulnerable in making a decision under pressure. Peer and parental pressure plays a key role at this stage. Many a times, a child’s decision is influenced by the choices of his/her friends and expectations from parents. Not many kids can actually identify their natural skills and interests, and further, very few amongst them can harp enough strength to chase their interests or to flow against the tide.

Responsibility as a Parent

Observe your child without being nosy 
Many parents generally give in to surveillance without enough maturity and awareness. They feel they have to guard their children and decide for them. They fail to levy enough trust in the decision of their children. Such parents cause more damage to a child’s personality and natural talent. A good way is to ‘Be There’ but let the ‘Child Be on His Own’. It is advisable to lend a helping hand rather than blindfold a child and drag him on your desired path.

Take out time to understand your child
Life is too demanding and you must be a busy person with very less time for parenting, but it is the right of your child to get some part of your time. As an aware parent, try to take out time to understand your child and his/her academic and other interests. Most of the parents presume that they understand their child without actually putting in enough efforts to do so.

Provide adequate help to enhance your child’s natural talents
As an aware parent, try to arrange proper training for your child to enhance his/her natural talents. Keep in mind the phrase “Earlier the Better” when you plan to hone the skills of your child. Select a professional expert to guide your child as per your child’s suitability and your funding. Once the child gets some basic training in the field of interest, he/she will have enough maturity and courage to choose the interest as a long term career.

Guide your child in planning the future
It is true that you should avoid forcing your child to follow the path chosen by you, but it is also true that your child needs your help in planning the future. Put your experience to your child’s use. Help your child to plan a future relevant to his/her interest. Sometimes children are in dilemma and can’t take a decision on their own. In such times, they need the support and advice of their parents. Keep yourself updated with the recent trends in the area of your child’s interest. This way, you will be able to guide your child properly.

Prepare your child to face the challenges
When children move from highschool to college, they face entirely different challenges. They step in a world with broader horizons, where they are treated as adults and are expected to behave like adults. That world can be entirely new to your child, posing challenges to cope with new and difficult academic as well as social milestones. As a wise parent, it is advisable to gradually prepare your child for the future challenges well in advance. You can prepare your child by involving him/ her in simple day-to-day responsibilities. At times, you can discuss challenges that you faced in your college life and as an adult. You can also involve your child in simple household decisions or seek his/her opinion in issues related to the house. The growing child will gradually start understanding and accepting his responsibility in every aspect of life. But while making your child responsible, do take in account his/her age. Give them just enough for their age and let them be.
